Assigning Transactional Emails at Campaign or Product Level PayKickstart vendors can edit save and use email notifications at a campaign or product level. Simply clone the notification you...
How to Display a Customers License Keys on Any Page Using our integrated licensing system, PayKickstart will issue a license key(s) to your customer, to activate your application. We have...
Pay What You Want Pricing As a Vendor, you have the ability to set up a Pay What You Want pricing structure for your products....
Using Ringless Voicemail & SMS Features As an add-on feature, Paykickstart vendors can create trigger-based SMS and voicemail campaigns to personally connect with your audience, directly...
Handling Email Bounce and Complaint Rates In order to maintain the maximum delivery rates of email notifications sent by the PayKickstart platform, certain limits related to...
How to Enable Billing Reminder Email Notification To help minimize refunds and chargebacks, send a friendly “billing reminder” to your customers, giving them a heads up that...
How to Manage Physical Products & Fulfillment PayKickstart makes it easy to manage the fulfillment process from beginning to end for any physical goods you need to...
Handling Invoices Many customers require a formal “invoice” with specific customer & vendor information, mainly for tax/accounting purposes. First, go to the Campaign...
Integrating the PayKickstart Licensing System Available with Growth and Scale vendor plans. PayKickstart offers a built-in licensing system that will issue a license key to...
Cancellation Saver PayKickstart vendors are able to create and use a cancellation saver widget to show for customers attempting to cancel their...
Customers: How To Cancel a Subscription Customers have the ability to cancel an active subscription with any vendor by using the standard Customer Billing Portal. Go...
Vendor Account: Email Notification Types PayKickstart vendors have the ability to send transactions related emails to Affiliates, Customers and themselves. These email notifications can be...
Customers – Strong Customer Authentication(SCA) and 3D Secure(3DS) As of September 14th, 2019 payment gateways now require additional security steps regarding “SCA” for customer purchases in the European...
Customer Billing Portal Vendors have the ability to use customer billing portals on their site pages to allow customers to look up related account and...