Setting up Purchase Requirements rules The Purchase Requirements feature is a rule-based feature. If enabled it would cause customers not to be able to purchase...
Adding/Changing Checkout Page Favicon Vendors have the ability to change the browser favicon for each specific product for additional custom branding. Step 1: Access...
Using the Same Salespages Across Different Funnels Many vendors encounter a scenario in which they need to create multiple funnels and only change the frontend product, but...
Enabling a Phone Number field on checkouts. If you would like to add a field for the customer to apply their phone number follow the instructions below:...
Adding video to checkout pages Vendors have the ability to embed videos via the template editor if they would like to add a video to...
Creating a Dynamic Coupon Code & Expiration for Each Customer For Growth and Scale vendors. You can create a dynamic/unique coupon code and expiration date for each customer using our...
Hiding PK footer on default thank you page Vendors using the default PK thank you pages can use the following CSS code to hide the PK footer on...
Enabling Quantity Fields For Checkouts Vendors can allow their customers to choose a quantity at checkout to order more than one of a specific product....
Using the social proof feature For Scale (Premium) Vendor plans. PayKickstart premium vendors have the ability to incorporate social proof on their web pages to...
How to Add a Tracking Pixel on the Default Thank You Page If you would like to add a tracking pixel (ie: Google Analytics, facebook pixels etc…) to the default Thank You...
Setting Up Your Base Currency PayKickstart offers the flexibility to charge different currencies on a per CAMPAIGN basis. For example, maybe you run two businesses...
Pass Custom Field Values To Checkout Embeds / Popups Vendors have the ability to pass custom field variables to checkout embed forms and pop-up widgets. The benefit to this...
How to Pass Custom Variables into a Checkout Page URL? An advanced feature for vendors is the ability to pass custom variables into a checkout page URL. The benefit to...
How to Display a Customers License Keys on Any Page Using our integrated licensing system, PayKickstart will issue a license key(s) to your customer, to activate your application. We have...
Pay What You Want Pricing As a Vendor, you have the ability to set up a Pay What You Want pricing structure for your products....
How to Add Custom Fields to a Checkout? You can add custom fields to your checkouts by going to Campaigns >> Edit Product Settings. On Step 2 (Checkout...
How to Use the Exit-Intent Pop-up on Checkout Pages The exit intent pop-up allows you to display a nicely designed pop-up modal to your customer if the customer looks...
Enabling Usage-Based Billing for Recurring products. For Growth and Scale Plan Vendors Vendors selling recurring priced products have the ability to enable usage-based billing to charge...
Link PayKickstart Checkout Pages To Landing Pages Linking PayKickstart to your landing pages is simple to set up. You would create your product landing pages with any...
How to offer multiple products on the same checkout for the customer to choose one product. Vendors who would like to offer multiple products on the same checkout for the customer to choose one product and...