PayKickstart vendors have the ability to send transactions related emails to Affiliates, Customers and themselves. These email notifications can be viewed and edited in the notification section (Configure > Email Notifications).
To learn more about editing transactional emails, click here.
Below is a list of all current editable email notification types and the actions they serve.
Affiliate Email Notifications
Affiliate Approved: This email is sent after you approve an affilaite for a specific campaign with an active affilaite program.
Affiliate Approved(ALL): This email is sent after you approve an affilaite for ALL current campaigns with active affilaite programs.
Affiliate Payout: This email is triggered when a commission is processed and marked as paid for the related affiliate.
On Refund: This email is triggered when a refund is applied to a sales transaction related to the affiliate.
On Sale: This email triggers when the affiliate makes a sale using their affiliate links.
On Lead Commission: When commission is generated for a lead the affiliate made.
Buyer Email Notifications
On Account Cancelled: This email is triggered when the customer’s subscription is canceled.
Affiliate Bonus Delivery: This email is triggered if the customer purchased the product via an affiliate’s link and the affiliate also added a bonus for the customer purchasing through them.
Billing Method Expiring Reminder: This email is triggered when the customers billing method is getting ready to expire. The email will contain a link for the customer to update their subscription billing.
Cart Abandonment: This email is triggered when the customer goes to a product checkout, enters their email address, but does not make a purchase and leaves the checkout page. The email will have a link for the customer to complete their purchase.
Digital Download Delivery: This email is triggered if the customer purchases a product that is using the digital download option. The customer will receive an email with the download link.
On Failed Transaction: This email is triggered if the customer has a failed transaction when when making the original purchase. The email would have a link for the customer to finish the purchase.
On Pending Transaction: This email is triggered if the customer purchases a product using a payment method such as bank payment or wire transfer that requires additional time to process.
On Rebill: This email is triggered when the customer is successfully charged for a subscription rebill transaction. the email contains billing information regarding the transaction.
On Refund: This email is triggered if the customer’s transaction is refunded. The email contains details about the refunded transaction.
On Reminder: This email is triggered if the billing reminder is enabled for the product purchased. This email will be sent to the customer the set amount of days before a subscription billing takes place. To learn more about billing reminder emails, click here.
On Sale: This email is triggered when the customer makes an initial successful purchase. The email will contain purchase details and access to the product purchased.
Free Trial – Reminder Of Upcoming Charge : This email is triggered 1 day before the customer subscription trial ends. It will notify the customer the trial is expiring and that they will be billed and also have a link to update their billing if needed.
Free Trial – Update Payment Method: This email is triggered 1 day before the customer subscription trial ends if the customer has not provided billing details yet. It will notify the customer the trial is expiring and also have a link to add their billingi nformation to process the payment.
Updated Billing Method (1st attempt): This email is triggered if the customer has a subscription charge that fails. This email will contain a link for the customer to update their billing details to avoid the subscription canceling.
Updated Billing Method (2nd attempt): This email is triggered if the customer has two consecutive subscription charges that fail. This email will contain a link for the customer to update their billing details to avoid the subscription canceling.
Updated Billing Method (3rd attempt): This email is triggered if the customer has 3 consecutive subscription charges that fail. This email will contain a link for the customer to update their billing details to avoid the subscription canceling. If the customer does not update their billing before the next billing retry, the subscription will cancel.
3rd Party Membership Accounts Details: This email is triggered if the customer purchases a product that has a membership integration connected. This email will contain the 3rd party membership login details for the customer to access their membership account with your product.
Subscription Unpaused: This email is triggered when the customer’s subscription is unpaused. The email will let the customer know they have reached the limit for pausing their subscription and that their subscription has been restarted.
Subscription Unpausing Soon: This email is triggered 3 days before the customer’s subscription is unpaused to notify the customer of their subscription being unpaused soon. The email will contain the vendor’s support details in case customers have any questions or concerns.
Shipping/Fulfillment emails:
These emails only apply if the vendor is using a shipping integration or has the Shipping address field enabled for the related product.
Order in progress: The order has been received by the vendor
Order is Fulfilling: The order is being fulfilled by the vendor
Order on hold: Sent if there is a delay with the vendors fulfillment
Order has shipped: The order has been shipped from the vendors facility
Order has been delivered: The order has been delivered to the customer
Order has been returned: The order was returned to the vendor by the customer
Order has been refunded: The related order has been refunded by the vendor
Vendor Notifications
On Refund: This email is triggered when a transaction is refunded. The vendor will receive an email with details relating to the refunded transaction.
On Sale: This email is triggered when a successful transaction occurs for one of the vendor’s products. The email will contain transaction details related to the sale.
On canceled subscription: This notification is sent to vendors if a customer’s subscription has been canceled.
On Lead Confirmed: Off by default. does not include cart abandonment
Cart Abandonment: Off by default, on cart abandoned trigger if customer leaves checkout before purchasing.
Sub-User On Sale: Off by default, if enabled will send on sale emails to sub-users with access to related campaign and transactions.
Partner On Sale: Off by default, if enabled will send on sale emails to partners with access to related campaign and transactions.