Archiving a Campaign:
Instead of deleting products, campaigns, and funnels – the Archive option was introduced and is the recommended option for managing your no longer used Campaigns and Products.
Archiving campaigns will disable the campaign and will have the following effects:
- Disables all future purchases from Customers
- Changes to the Campaign or Products are no longer allowed
- Customers can no longer update their billing details for existing subscriptions
- All existing checkout URLs related to the products within the archived Campaign will be disabled and will no longer function
Existing customer subscriptions will continue to remain active for customers unless cancelled by the vendor or customer.

Once archived, the campaign can be returned to the Active status by filtering for Archived Campaigns:

Clicking on the Un-Archive Campaign button will return the campaign back to the active status:

Please Note: We do not recommend Deleting Products as this option would completely delete the product at this time. For now, archiving is only available for the entire Campaign.
Please see more information about what an effect deleting Products and Funnels would have:
Deleting a Product
If you delete a product – the subscription would still remain active for the customer, but you would not be able to Filter for it within the Payments > Transaction/Subscription section, you would need to be looking up the customer directly in the search bar.
We recommend disabling products instead of deleting them.

Deleting a Funnel
If you delete a Funnel – all checkout links and checkout forms related to that funnel would no longer function and would return a 404 error, as the checkout links/forms would no longer exist for those products.
Customers visiting your sales pages would not be able to make the purchase via those checkout URLs, embed forms, or pop-up widgets any longer.