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  4. Subscription Rule: Cancel previous subscription(s) if a new product subscription is started.

Subscription Rule: Cancel previous subscription(s) if a new product subscription is started.

If you have products with a recurring charge frequency, you have the ability to set up rules that will automatically cancel any selected product subscriptions for the customer if the customer starts a subscription with the newly selected product.

For example, If customer purchases products 1 and 2, you can create a rule on product 3 to cancel the other two subscriptions once the customer purchases product 3.

Subscription rules will be enabled on the related product the customer is now purchasing.

Once the subscription rule is active if a customer triggers the rule, the previous subscription(s) will be canceled and the cancellation reason will show as follows:

The subscription cancellation reason will identify a subscription rule that was triggered as well as the related product ID that triggered the rule and the date the cancellation occurred.

Updated on August 18, 2024

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