An advanced feature for vendors is the ability to pass custom variables into a checkout page URL. The benefit to this is being able to pre-fill the checkout page with any customer information that you may already have.
Here is a list of variable IDs you can use in the checkout page URL:
- First Name: first_name
- Last Name: last_name
- Email: email
- Company Name: buyer_tax_name
- Billing Address: billing_address_1
- Billing Address 2: billing_address_2
- Billing City: billing_city
- Billing State: billing_state
- Billing Zip: billing_zip
- Billing Country: billing_country
- Billing Phone Country Code: billing_phone_code
- Billing Phone: billing_phone_number
- Shipping Address: shipping_address_1
- Shipping Address 2: shipping_address_2
- Shipping City: shipping_city
- Shipping State: shipping_state
- Shipping Zip: shipping_zip
- Shipping Country: shipping_country
- Shipping Phone Country Code: shipping_phone_code
- Shipping Phone: shipping_phone_number
- Currency: ccCurrency
- Quantity: qt
NOTE: You can also insert custom field variable IDs as well.
Here is an example of how the checkout page URL would be structured with a custom variable(s):
You would add a ” ? ” after the checkout URL then insert one of the variable IDs above, with ” = ” and the value. Then use ” & ” if you want to add multiple variables.
NOTE: IF you are attempting to pass a custom variable to an upsell product, the custom field will need to be on the main product as well as the upsell product to allow the custom variables to pass to the checkout via URL.