Paypal Error Message: You must specify only one primary receiver and at least one secondary receiver If you come across this error “Error Message: You must specify only one primary receiver and at least one secondary...
How to Handle Paypal Adaptive Refund Errors Vendors may encounter errors with PayPal adaptive and refunding transactions. There are several reasons for these errors. You can find...
Sending Affiliate Commission Payments via a Paypal Mass Pay File For payments accepted through a credit card or other means other than Paypals adaptive/instant payment, those commissions will need to...
Paypal Error: The Payment Can Not be Processed Because No Payment Source is Available If a customer contacts you, the vendor, and says something about how when trying to purchase your product they received...
Why Didn’t I Receive an Instant Commission? There are a few reasons why you may not have received instant commissions for a referral sale. Reason #1: You...
Integrating Paypal to Accept Customer Payments The first step is to integrate Paypal with your entire account. Once you have connected with Paypal, you will be...
What’s the Difference Between a Purchase ID and Transaction ID? For every PayKickstart transaction there is a “purchase id” which are all prefixed with PK-P, followed by a random string....
Connecting Your Paypal Account to Receive Affiliate Commissions Step 1: Go to “My Profile“. Step 2: Locate the PayPal Account area and enter your name and Paypal email...
How to Accept eCheck as a Payment Option in Paypal Depending on your settings in your Paypal account, vendors may not have the eCheck option enabled. eCheck allows customers to...