Metric Differences – PayKickstart’s Reports and 3rd Party Analytic Apps PayKickstart Vendors currently have the ability to integrate with ProfitWell and ChartMogul to delve deeper into their metrics. Please note...
Using the Audience Builder As a PayKickstart Growth or Scale Vendor, you’ll be able to add advanced filters to your customer list. Segmenting your buyers...
Why is my traffic not tracking in Paykickstart? There are a few different reasons you may not see your traffic tracking in your PayKickstart account. If you are...
How to Add Custom CSS and Tracking Scripts to Checkout Pages, Popup Widgets and Form Embeds You are able to add custom CSS, javascript and 3rd party tracking scripts to any PayKickstart product checkout page, popup...
Reporting Metrics Guide Gross: Unless stated otherwise this value represents the total amount before deducting refunds, and before deducting commissions in the case...